Group Didgeridoo Workshops
Perfect Balance Yoga and Massage
Billings, MT - October 24, 2015
Didgeridoo Journey Meditation
The didgeridoo meditation/journeying workshop is an unguided therapeutic sound-based meditation that can be used for a variety of personal wellness and intention applications.
This workshop offers a brief introductory overview of sound therapy and the didgeridoo as it relates to meditation and journeying.
The didgeridoo keys selected for this meditation are played for longer durations and chosen for their ability to support journeying, meditation, visioning, and intention manifestation.
75-90 minutes, $45/person
Didgeridoo Chakra Clearing w/ Himalayan Singing Bowls
Joseph Carringer has presented on the effects of didgeridoo sound for the purposes of clearing energetic and emotional stagnation in the energetic body; to medical/holistic professionals, undergraduate/graduate students, as well as wellness and healthy lifestyle seekers.
The Chakra Clearing Workshop is designed to allow the participant to effectively clear out energetic/emotional stagnation from each of the seven major energy centers of the body. It offers a brief overview of the chakras and the relationship between the subtle energy system and the physical body, followed by a 50+ minute journey (8 minutes in each chakra's key) and time for questions and answers.
Participants are guided to focus awareness on each chakra region as they come into the corresponding mediation to heighten their awareness of the energy center and promote clearing while connecting with the energetic body.
Approximately 75-90 minutes, including 56 minutes of meditations, followed by question/answer time to share experiences.
75-90 minutes, $45/person
Heart Opening Meditation w/ Himalayan Singing Bowls
In the contemporary interpretation of the Ayurvedic seven-chakra system, the heart chakra is the bridge between your physical and spiritual being. It represents the opening of feelings, compassion, and the capacity to love.
This workshop offers an introduction to the therapeutic principles of the didgeridoo and didgeridoo sound therapy and gives a basic overview of the heart chakra and its qualities and attributes.
The didgeridoo keys selected for this meditation are chosen for their ability to let in passion for life and compassion for yourself and will be supported with complimentary tones produced on concert pitch contemporary Himalayan singing bowls.
75-90 minutes, $45/person
Collaborative Group Workshops
Sound Healing Yoga Class
This didgeridoo sound healing yoga class supports an existing yoga practice with the addition of sound to promote a deeper connection with the energetics of the body. The yoga class is conducted normally and led by a studio instructor(*).
Joseph offers a brief introduction to the didgeridoo and his sound therapy practice. He plays a variety of didgeridoos throughout the class selected to support the flow. Sound healing yoga classes help open students' chakras and/or clear energy blocks as they move through postures/asanas. Shavasana may be silent, supported with sound, or a combination of both.
Didgeridoo sound healing yoga classes can be modified to support all styles of yoga, from Hatha, Yin, Vinyasa, Restorative, Mysore-style/ Ashtanga, Chakra Flow, Kundalini, etc.
(*)Class requires an instructor from the studio or organization hosting the class.
90-minute class - TBA $/person
Acupuncture & Didgeridoo Vibrations
This workshop will take you on a personal healing journey combining the Traditional Chinese Medicine practice of Acupuncture (*) with Didgeridoo Sound Therapy.
Didgeridoo Sound Therapy aids in relieving stress in your physical, emotional, and spiritual body -- by including Acupuncture, your overall experience is elevated to an even higher level.
The combination of Acupuncture points and the Didgeridoos played will be selected to open specific channels (meridians) to promote relaxation and well-being. Once the acupuncture needles are gently placed, Joseph will play a 45-minute journey meditation.
Workshop Topics:
A brief introduction to Acupuncture
A brief introduction to didgeridoo sound therapy
(*) The workshop requires the availability of a Licensed
Acupuncturist -- Didge Therapy can provide one in specific regions but is happy to work with one a venue suggests.
90-minute class, $55/person
“My Name is Deana Bacon. I am the Owner and Director of Counseling of The North Shore and Yoga Wellness located in Beverly MA. I am a psychotherapist and yoga teacher in private practice for twenty-two years. I have been hosting Joseph Carringer for approximately two years. Until recently his workshops have been private invitation only to patients and students of my practice.
Joseph’s sound healing sessions with myself and my clients has been profound in and some cases life altering. Joseph has had a major impact in opening awareness to my clients healing journey. Didge therapy has helped reduced anxiety in many of my clients. In addition, a greater understanding of how stagnant energy can impact the emotional and physical body. For those people who struggle with mediation, Joseph’s talent, kind, and soothing process during the worksho has helped many of my clients ease into a meditative state.
It feels so good to know I have an entrusted colleague that I can call upon to assist in my clients health and wellness! After every sound healing session, I have offered to my clients, I receive many emails and personal statement of great appreciation for inviting Joseph into my practice.”