Individual Sound Therapy Entrainments are a powerful tool to help people through a variety of personal health and growth issues. The harmonic tones of the didgeridoo help people to release deep energetic and emotional stagnation that has collected throughout a person's meridian system and energetic field. This stagnation can lead to both psychological and physical disease.
The broad range of harmonics produced by the didgeridoo (0-1000 Hertz) is done so in a similar waveform shape to that of an Om. Quantum Physicists are now theorizing that the smallest particle at the heart of each atom is not actually a particle but a waveform shape that resonates in a similar frequency to that of an Om. Through the simple principles of *entrainment, the didgeridoo acts as a tuning fork for a person removing energetic blockages and restoring their energetic field on a cellular level.
The didgeridoo also produces a deep and effective source of natural infrasound. This infrasound penetrates deep into a person's muscular and skeletal system producing similar physiological effect as medical ultrasound therapy. Some reported effects of didgeridoo infrasound have been the relief of muscular pain, arthritis, osteoarthritis, headache, migraine, accelerated bone growth along breaks, and fractures.
Prior to entrainment, Joseph Carringer consults with the client to determine the nature of the session.
*Entrainment --The process by which the powerful rhythmic vibrations of one object are projected upon a second object with a similar frequency, thereby causing that object to vibrate in resonance with the first. - "The Healing Power of Sound", Mitchell Gaynor, MD.
Individual Single Session Descriptions and Rates
30 Minute Entrainment: This session provides an environment for the client to reach a deep meditative state where they can reconnect with their own self-healing abilities. During this session, multiple didgeridoos are played over the client's chakra system and their corresponding meridian points to help clear stagnation.
30 Minute Entrainment Rates:
1 Session: $75 (up to 25% off discount available for clients with financial need)
3 pre-paid sessions: $180
5 pre-paid sessions: $275
1 Hour Entrainment: This session is recommended for clients clearing deep energetic stagnations that have manifested in the forms of with PTSD, Chronic Fatigue Fibromyalgia, Cancer and other related chronic illnesses. It can also be used for deep shamanic journeying and meditation. Please contact for more information.
1 Hour Entrainment Rates:
1 Session: $150 (up to 25% off discount available for clients with financial need)
3 pre-paid sessions: $360
5 pre-paid sessions: $550
Private didgeridoo entrainment sessions can be scheduled before or after group workshops during Joseph's workshop tours. He also is available at regional offices in Pittsburgh PA and New England (see locations below).
Please call 603.433.7465 or email
Office Locations
Pittsburgh, PA
Village Center for Holistic Therapy
68 Wabash Street, Ste 100
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
New England
Recorded Didgeridoo Entrainment Sessions
With today's modern studio recording technology, sound and vibration can be captured with exceptional "You were there" quality.
Joseph Carringer has professional recording studio equipment set up in his office, which allows him to produce private sessions for clients that can be mailed as a CD or emailed as a digital file anywhere in the world.
This service has made it possible for clients in multiple countries to experience the benefits of didgeridoo sound therapy entrainment sessions without travel and at their convenience.
Joseph is available by phone, Skype, or email to discuss the details of the client's session and coordinate any additional follow-up.
Individual Single Session Descriptions and Rates
Session rates and times are identical to in office entrainment session rates.
30 Minute Entrainment: This session provides an environment for the client to reach a deep meditative state where they can reconnect with their own self-healing abilities. During the recorded session, multiple didgeridoos are played based on the client's discussed details to help balance their chakra system and the corresponding meridian points to help clear stagnation.
30 Minute Recorded Entrainment Rates:
1 Session: $75 (up to 25% off discount available for clients with financial need)
3 pre-paid sessions: $180
5 pre-paid sessions: $275
1 Hour Entrainment: This session is recommended for clients clearing deep energetic stagnation that have manifested in the forms of with PTSD, Chronic Fatigue Fibromyalgia, Cancer and other related chronic illnesses. It can also be used for deep shamanic journeying and meditation. Please contact for more information.
1 Hour Recorded Entrainment Rates:
1 Session: $150 (up to 25% off discount available for clients with financial need)
3 pre-paid sessions: $360
5 pre-paid sessions: $550
Volunteer Work: individual sessions and group events are available for qualified charities and financially challenged terminally ill patients.
““I thank you for the treatments on the parts of my body fractured, locked in place and painful since my fall in 2000. The improvement of my hearing is astounding as the bones of my face and skull move back into the correct positions.”