Didgeridoo Sound Therapy & Sound Healing
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The didgeridoo is an ancient musical instrument and powerful tool that can help lift an individual's vibration back to a less chaotic and natural rhythm. The broad range of harmonics produced by the didgeridoo vibrate in an ancient and universal tone and can be used as a sound therapy or sound healing tool that effects a person on three basic levels.
1: Infra Sound - The didgeridoo has the potential to produce infrasound frequencies that can be applied as a "no touch sound massage". The low frequency producing characteristic of the didgeridoo have been reported to provide relief to a wide range of joint, muscular and skeletal related pain as well as promote accelerated healing in various forms of bone trauma. It can also be safely used post operatively on people who have received both metal and non-metal implants.
2: Clearing of Emotional and Energetic Stagnation - The didgeridoo's sound is an effective tool in releasing stored negative energy and/or emotional stagnation. This natural characteristic of the didgeridoo combined with the sophisticated systems of subtle energy medicine theory from both Traditional Chinese Medicine (meridian theory) and Ayurveda (chakra theory) provide a high level of qi/pranic clearing and balancing. The most basic description one could give for the energetic clearing power of the didgeridoo is “it is like a reiki or qi gong power washer.” It has been reported that the energetic clearing effects are similar to traditional five-element acupuncture.
3: Meditation and Mind Body Healing - Meditation is the foundation of mind-body health. The didgeridoo's unique tones enables listeners to easily enter the deep meditative brainwave states of theta and delta. It is in these brainwave states that we achieve our highest healing potential for both physical and mental health by re-engaging our mind body connection. Regular meditation promotes a healthy mind-body connection. Meditation can also be used to quantum manifest healing and the co-creation of our universe.

Principles Sound Therapy & Sound Healing
Didgeridoo sound therapy is a holistic health practice that uses meditation and intention to effect positive changes in a persons mind, body and spirit. With meditation and personal intention at the corner stone of the is practice, didgeridoo sound therapy applies sound using Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine principles of energy clearing theory to clear and balance a persons subtle energy system.
Sound Therapy is a holistic health term to describe any modality that use specifically tuned sound frequencies for for clearing energetic and emotional stagnation from a person's subtle energy system.
Sound Therapy is based on theoretical principles found in the traditions of Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. These ancient healing modalities believe that all life vibrates at various frequencies and specifically the human body has multiple vibrational frequencies that can slip "out of tune" due to emotional or energetic stagnation. When these frequencies are "out of tune" they can lead to physical and emotional health issues.
In everyday life the average person forgets to do the most basic tasks of proper breathing and healing meditation. This common, unhealthy practice can lead to life threatening illnesses. Through meditation and proper breathing techniques it is possible to reach a state where we can lift our consciousness to enhance individual healing abilities and help to mitigate pre-existing conditions. The tones produced by the didgeridoo make it possible for people who have never consciously focused on meditation and breathing techniques, to reach these deep healing states with very little effort.
Didgeridoo Sound Therapy Applications
(sound healing)
Didgeridoo sound therapy (sound healing) has a broad range of applications from basic health and wellness practices to support of serious and/or chronic illness. Listed below are examples of applications clients have used didgeridoo sound therapy to support them in their healing process.
Meditation/Mind Body
Personal Healing (physical)
Personal Healing (mental)
Personal Healing (spiritual)
Cancer (treatment support)
Creativity/Mental Clarity
Quantum Manifestation
Infra Sound Massage
Osteo Arthritis
Joint Stiffness
Muscle Spasm
Head Ache
Bone Growth Stimulation
Surgery (post operative)
Energetic/Emotional Clearing
Energetic/Emotional Clearing
Phantom Pain
Chronic Fatigue
Cancer (treatment support)
Anger Management
People change the oil in their cars every 3,000 miles, yet how often do they practice proper energetic or breath exchange? Through a series of very simple shifts in personal practices one can improve one's personal health and longevity. In turn, this will lead to a greater sense of balance that will impact every aspect of one's life.
““I am proud to be able to share my experiences as a patient, having had multiple sessions with Joseph Carringer playing his didgeridoo. I have had profound improvement with this ancient Vibrational Medicine curing some physical and emotional blockages, which I have not been able to process in decades of using various other techniques. I would highly recommend this healing modality which has no untoward side effects to anyone for almost any health related purpose. It can be used alone or in combination with other healing methods to attain maximum benefit.”